Web Designer Australia: Found 8 freelancers available (from $ 20 to 60 per hour)
Web Designers develop and optimise Internet websites. They create or improvise designs and layouts and take care of basic programming of websites, as well as design navigation structure for new and exciting online business ventures. Some of them use HTML, Java or content management systems (CMS).
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Main focus: Mobile applications, web development. Designing of any mobile applications, software development, all types of shopping carts, all types of content management systems.
Professional background: IT (Business Information Systems), from University of Ballarat. Diploma in Business from Cambridge International College, Melbourne. Worked for the past 2 years on the website of my partner. I design websites and my partner does web development. Self-employed since 2010.
Professional background: IT (Business Information Systems), from University of Ballarat. Diploma in Business from Cambridge International College, Melbourne. Worked for the past 2 years on the website of my partner. I design websites and my partner does web development. Self-employed since 2010.
General qualifications: Excel +, MS-Access ++, Photoshop +++, DreamWeaver CS6 +++, Adobe Illustrator ++ Languages: Urdu ++, Arabic + Miscellaneous: First meeting won't disappoint you, as I see myself as optimistic and determined towards my work. Show work sample
Main focus: Webpage design, graphic design, computer troubleshooter.
Professional background: Certificate IV in Small Business Management, Certificate II in Information Technology. Webmaster, business owner, website creator, web designer. Self-employed since 2010.
Professional background: Certificate IV in Small Business Management, Certificate II in Information Technology. Webmaster, business owner, website creator, web designer. Self-employed since 2010.
Main focus: Web Design and development , any IT related Jobs, any Financial Consulting Jobs
Professional background: Self-employed since 2009.
Professional background: Self-employed since 2009.
Languages: Hindi +++, Telugu +++, Tamil +++, English +++ Miscellaneous: We are It based company with experts from various backgrounds. Our Company has Best Candidates in Industry. Our Company has best Experts with background in various markets.
Main focus: Web design and development. Any IT related jobs. Any financial consulting jobs.
Professional background: Self-employed since 2009.
Professional background: Self-employed since 2009.
Languages: Hindi +++, Telugu +++, Tamil +++, English +++
Main focus: Web design, website construction, website maintenance.
Professional background: Self-employed since 2009.
Professional background: Self-employed since 2009.
Main focus: Unique, effective, affordable and attractive websites. Designing of exciting web sites that grab attention by standing out from the crowd.
Professional background: Procurement (advanced Diploma). Freelance web designer and web developer since 2009.
Professional background: Procurement (advanced Diploma). Freelance web designer and web developer since 2009.
Miscellaneous: Motto: For me each website I build represents the start of what I hope will be a long-term partnership with my clients, who I like to think of as my friends. Show work sample
Main focus: Domain name registration, hosting, Wordpress installation. SEO. Setting up of social networking accounts and training. Registration with Google Local. Can also provide photography and video services.
Professional background: Frankston TAFE. Web development since 1994. Ran an ISP and web hosting business for 15 years. Self-employed since 1994.
Professional background: Frankston TAFE. Web development since 1994. Ran an ISP and web hosting business for 15 years. Self-employed since 1994.
Main focus: Website graphics and design, programming services in PHP, ASP .NET and javascript. Extensive Joomla CMS experience. Basic SEO and page validation performed on sites if requested. Photoshop, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, PDF Documentation using Indesign, Adobe Illustrator, PHPEd, Microsoft Visual Studio.
Professional background: Bachelor of computing 2003 (University of Tasmania). Certificate in art 1994 (TAFE). Have worked in the industry since 2003, worked on various projects, both large and small, including payment gateway integration, shopping carts, business websites, company intranets, educational work and others. Self-employed since 2011.
Professional background: Bachelor of computing 2003 (University of Tasmania). Certificate in art 1994 (TAFE). Have worked in the industry since 2003, worked on various projects, both large and small, including payment gateway integration, shopping carts, business websites, company intranets, educational work and others. Self-employed since 2011.